Saturday, December 1, 2007

NBC Ironman Kona Coverage

The NBC's coverage of the 2007 World Ironman championships was aired today.

I watched the show for the first time in High definition and it was totally awesome, like being there with the racers as a spectator, I highly recommend watching it in High D.

I thought it was very well done this year. It was a good mix of the pro's race coupled with the story line of featured age groupers with there inspirational stories of doing an Ironman. One of the features was with a double amputee Scott Rigsby with no lower legs below the knees trying to finish his first Ironman after earlier this year failing after a fall on his bike at IMCda. His purpose of doing and finishing an Ironman was to prove to himself he could do it, Naturally, and to inspire other amputees in the world they to can do things being handicaped. very cool. And of course the tear jerking finally, it always chokes me up.

The coverage of the pros was at times a little graphic with norman statler puking, and I must say in High Def it is quite a site, he ended up not finishing. Then Natasha badmann crashing on her bike, breaking her collar bone, showing the true Ironman spirit, tried to continue on riding until she couldn't anymore and had to pull out of the race to go to the hospital. Both of them, Natasha and Norman were favorites to win in there respective field, but by having to pull out of the race, left the field open for a new first time Ironman winner in both the mens race and womans race.

I must say, watching the show really inspires me to race an Ironman. So with my race in Lake Placid in 8 months, I'm glad I taped the show to watch over and get some inspiration when I need it for my training.

Pro men's top 3
Chris McCormack
Craig Alexander
Torbjorn Sindballe

Woman's pro top 3
Chrissie Wellington
Samantha McGlone
Kate Major

Full result at

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