Friday, February 10, 2012

I thought I was suppose to be swimming?

I thought I was suppose to be swimming, not running!

I just signed Joanne and I up for our second half marathon for this summer. The first is the Mississauga half, May 6th  and our second is the Barrie Half marathon June 17.

I'm not taking these events serious, I'm just doing it for fun with the wife, oops, I mean with MY wife! I know how women hate that term. lol  who is determined to beat me in both of these event, and told me I'm not allowed to do any more run training then what I have been doing! which is non! lol Ok, I said with a smurk, but you still won't beat me!! :)


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Local Paper Article on the Winterfest Polar bear

The Polar bear dip was also covered by our local paper which was focused on Jennifer and her support for her charity.  if you look close that is me in the bottom corner watching her twist.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Barrie Winterfest Polar bear dip

I did the Barrie Winterfest polar bear dip this Sunday and not only did I go in first again, I invited Jennifer Robinson ( Olympic figure skater and 6 time Canadian ladies Champion ) to join me as the first dipper!! and I was also one of the last dippers as I went in for a second dip at the end......I also raised some money for RVH Cancer center and my 52km Lake Ontario swim in Aug 2013. ....It was a good day! :)

I had my camera on a tripod while I went in and one of the lifeguards was standing in the way blocking most of the view.
Here is the you tube link of the video I made.

Oh! And, I made the Barrie 6pm news clip for the fifth or 6Th year in a row for the polar bear dip! Wooo! ...Albeit it was like for 3 seconds or so this time, and the focus was on Jennifer Robinson doing her double twist into the water! .....Damn! If i thought about it, it would have been cool if I thought of doing a double twist in sync with her, being the springboard diver I am!