Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Run down

I think I'm getting run down with over training........NOT!!

I haven't trained enough to be run down, yet? but I am tired and have no energy these past morning.

COFFEE.....I need COFFEE!!!...then I'll be ok.

I think all this tiredness has to do with the coming of winter less light and sunshine. I like most people get effected with the coming of winter and the lack of light and essential vitamins. This is the time of year I need to start taking in some supplements to counter effect the natural elements of nature of wanting to curl up in a cave and sleep all winter like the bears do.

Coffee as you know is a stimulant, and stimulants get you up and energized, but for the most part the effect only lasts a short time before you crash and feel drained and tired again, so before you know it you're grabbing for another coffee to get you going again.

What to do? ...Well the first thing I need to do is cut back on my coffee and start taking vitamins and hopefully I will feel more energized naturally. I need to get out into the sunlight as much as possible, but it is hard when it's so cold outside.

I think we can learn a lot from our animals/pets, I need to do what mocha my cat does, she sits in the window with the sun shining on her or if the sun is shining brightly on an area in the room she sits or lays in the light.

Mocha grabbing Sunshine where ever she can.

I do what I can to get in a little sunbathing in the winter months.

Ok, off to the pool for some torture. Have a great day.

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