Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Not so bad

Ok, that wasn't so bad, I swam 1500m, my stomach growled and I called it a day. I'm still tired but after I got home and made breakfast i'm feeling better, but still tired. I need a nap.....Zzzzzzzzzz.

On another note!..

I think this cold weather is affecting my bad foot, and my ankle is all tight too, like if it was swollen, but it's not.

In the pool after my swim I took time out to stretch out my foot against the pool wall. I'll put my foot on the wall and grab the ledge and straighten out my leg and put my head to my knee to stretch out my hams, and with my foot in a 90 Degree angle to the wall stretch out the bottom of my foot or the PF. and it was tight! I did it slow and easy until I got the full stretch. Now my PF feels better but still hurts to walk.

BTW, my knees are still hurting, but not so bad, I think it's more of my arthritis now, as once they warm up with movement they feel ok, again I think it's this cold weather.


That is all for now. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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