Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy 22

Happy birthday Melissa Your 22 !!!

This is your day, have a great Friday 13Th

Love Daddy.

Mmmm Cupcakes

I baked cupcakes this morning (Thursday) for my daughters birthday this Friday 13Th, Orange cupcakes with real oranges, Yum!

After baking I headed to Holly rec centre and ran the mill for 30 min, then did some 3 meter diving for an hour then off to work.

Next week will be tricky for training, It March break and I have to work days, but Tues and Thurs, I will have to go in late so I can get my dive practice in at 12:30pm to 1:30 Pm ( my reserved 3 meter board time at the pool ) to get ready for my meet at the end of the week.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

3 meter training day

And they say Ironman is hard!?!

My hand is bruised. Arrrgh! The middle of my palm of my left hand is black and blue, it really took a beating on my entree's off of the three meter board.

Dive practive went well, I was able to do most of my dives I want to do in competition, and I did them well.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Not a young pup

Swam 2000m at the pool today. Tomorrow will be my first dive practice on the 3 meter board at Holly. I've got to run though my dive list i'm planning on doing at the dive meet on the 20Th on 3meter and 1 Meter on the 21St. It's going to be scary trying to throw in some new dives off the 3 meter board tomorrow, specially without a coach to help me out with courage. Technically i know what to do but standing 3 meters up over the water and driving the board to spring you up another 2 meters while spinning and twisting at my age!?! EEK! Gak! Gulp!...I'm not a young pup anymore, it's scary!!...... until get the feeling for it again. : - )