Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ironman Florida

IMFL is on today and I'll be watching most of the on line coverage at like this with my face book page on as well as my Mile 141 chat page on and Ironman tracker stats update page on...

I have a bunch of friends from Mile 141 chat page doing the race today that I will be checking stats on all day. So far they all made it in from the swim portion as I write this, and now are on their bike for the long 180 km bike ride before heading out for the full 42 km marathon.

Kevin, Mitch, Marty,Clarence, Andrew, Lisa, Shelley Tim. I wish them all well and to have a fun and speedy day.

At the same time I'd like to wish some other friends doing another Iron distance race in North Carolina, The Beach to Battleship Iron distance race. Good luck my friends, Donnie, Lisa and Sue.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Food Fit for a King!

When I don't feel like training I can always cook!

I took my training time this morning to cook a meal fit for ala king! Yes! Here is my version of Chicken Ala' King , without the king? lol

I'm taking today off training, ha ha? what training?

Tomorrow is the big show!! Ironman Florida, which starts at 8am eastern time. (Panama City beach is just over the time line and is one hour ahead of us.) and you can and I will catch the action at

As most know the winter Olympics are being held in Vancouver BC Canada this comming Feburary, and with news of this I was hoping to become a torch relay runner when the Olympic flame comes through Barrie. So last summer when I found out about being a Olympic torch relay runner I signed up in hopes to get the chance. Well announced thier relay runners and I'm not on thier list. But there still is a chance I my become a torch relay runner!

The city of Barrie is having a big celebration with the torch coming through, and the City of Barrie has a committee to choose torch runners to carry the torch through the City for when it gets here Dec 29Th. and I may still have a chance to get picked for that. Here's hoping!

On the training front!!.....The weather is looking promising for this weekend so I might get out on the bike for a few hours, if not tomorrow, for sure Sunday.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Need motivation

With my wife back to work temporarily, the kids off to work, the house is quiet, and I'm all set to do more training but I can't seem to get motivated to train. Sure I ran 5 km yesterday on the treadmill and today biked 30min on the trainer, but I just have this blah feeling about me. It could be the weather? It's cool outside with the temperature hovering around 1C with intermittent rain and snow showers keeping me inside. It could be because the days are getting shorter? All I know is my next race the florida 70.3 at walt Disney world is 6 months away and I have to lose 50lbs by then. I need to get motivated! But How?

This Saturday is the Florida Ironman, I was hoping I could go down PC to visit and see some of my friends doing the race, but without a pass port I couldn't go down. Maybe that's my motivation problem? I'm sad I couldn't go down to PC Seeing a live event like Ironman would definitely pump me up an give me back my mojo to train! Hopefully watching it on line with do the same? I always enjoy watching the Ironman events on line.

I also have a few friends doing the Beach to Battle ship Iron distance race this Saturday. Maybe I lost my motivation knowing I couldn't go down to do that race this year? I talked earlier this year with Joanne about doing the race, but it fell though when Joanne lost her job.

I see a pattern here. I see a lot of let downs. Things I wished for, but could not have or do? No wonder I have no motivation to train now.

Lets hope after this weekends races I get inspired by my friends endeavors with following them though their day.

Lets hope I get pumped watching on line to get me raring to go and get out of this rut to train harder for a reason!

Lets hope I get the will to move forward to set out and achieve my goals for my Ironman Florida 70.3 race Next May being 50lbs lighter and to have the best Half Ironman race with the PR I'm looking for!

Lets just say we will see.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

New snowblower For Halloween

I had a busy day Saturday, first went to my moms for a visit and then received a surprise! My mom when back to Hungary a few weeks back to settle my grandma's estate, as my mom is the executor of my grandpa and grandma's will, but my grandpa is to sick to deal with the estate so my mom has to do all things dealing with the estate, things like paying there bills etc... Well my grandpa being to sick to go back to Hungary to pick up my grandma's pension asked my mom to go in his place, that and since my mom is executor for there estate and Grandma was my moms mom it's only right she go. Long story short, my Grandpa wanted the money divided up between the grand kids being my brother my sister and I and the rest for my mom.

So my surprise was an envelope with some money in it from my Grandma cutesy of my grandpa. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa. :)

Which brings me to my new toy! After our visit to my mom Joanne and I went to Canadian tire store. Canadian tire is a nation wide auto tire and hardware store. We were planing on buying a snow blower this year for some time now and with this extra cash we decided to make the purchase since they had snow blowers on sale this week. Yippee! no more shoveling!! Thanks Grandma, Grandpa.

So we get to the store and make the purchase for a 308cc 24inch auger with 6 forward gears and 2 reverse. a really nice machine, it even has a headlight! Well we had the sales guy put it on a cart and roll it down to cash, I then paid for it and started wheeling out to the car as if I was going to load it into my car? I knew It wouldn't fit, and when the cashier said if there is any problem loading it into my car just bring it back and we will hold it for you, and made a copy of the bill to use to hold it. I just nodded and said yes, good idea! all the while I knew I had a plan to get it home on my own!

I pushed the cart with the 200lb snow blower in the huge box out to the parking lot towards my car and told Joanne put the shovel we also bought in the car and drive home, I will push the snow blower home on the cart. ( which I wasn't really allowed to do as the cart is the stores property, but I planed on bring it back )

My house is approx 2.5 km away and most of the way home is up hill. So I pushed and pushed, sometimes running and jumping on the cart like a skate board and gliding. Some spots were ruff along the side walk, specially at street corners crossing the road, and on top of that it was really windy and I even got rained on a bit with some snow showers. But I finally made it home.

Just before getting home, I called Joanne on her cell phone she lent me in case I needed help on the way home to let her know I'm down the street so she can get some pictures on So here they are.....

Here I am rounding the corner to my house.

Here is the beast after un-creating and assembling.
Side view...

The first thing I did when I set the box in my garage was to get the cart back to the store. I took the handle off the cart and slipped both parts of the cart into my red car and drove back to the store. I reassembled the cart when I got to the store and wheeled it back into the store to the sales guy and said; Here you go thanks! and he said, did you really push the box home on the cart? and started laughing. I said yep! and he thanked me for bring the cart back.

When I got back home I unpacked the snow blower and tested her out. I filled her with gas and with one draw of the pull cord she started up!! I Can't wait for the first snow fall!! :)
After I put her away in the corner of the garage I had to cut the grass and did.
Next was to get ready for Halloween! I put Joanne's car in the garage out of the way of the kids coming to our front door. Joanne had candy at the ready in the front hall entrance and we were set!
5:30pm...Nothing, 5:45 still no one ? 6:00pm Whats' going on? 6:30pm just starting to get dark but still no kids? ..Finally 6:35pm our first kid! Whoot! and a cutie to boot, I would say he was 4yrs old and dressed like spider man. Then more started showing up slowly. We might have had 50 kids all night come to are door in total all night. I guess the neighbourhood is getting older now, I remember years ago where we would shell out over 400 candy bars? this year 50? It was still fun seeing the little ones and now I have tons of candy and chocolate left over for me! :)

Training totals.....
Bike 2hours
run 17km
