Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tentative map routes for my 50 mile Ultra

I have a couple of tentative map routes for my 50 mile Barrie to Wasaga beach Ultra race. The first map is a out and back where we will have some support through the day to replenish our nutrition and liquids along the route/course via sag wagon, as we won't have aid stations per say, where our support will meet us at some checkpoints throughout the course.

The second map is a shorter loop course that I set up and will present to Catherine as a alternative to an out and back. The second route is a 10 mile route which loops around starting from my house and back across the end of my street, where we would do 5 loops for the 50 miler. The idea is it will be easier for everyone for support where we can be met at the 10 mile mark ( which is at the end of my street from my house )by our support crew rather then them driving all around to meet us at check points in the out and back route all the way to Wasaga beach and back.

I will discuss and finalized which route we use with Catherine Friday night at a ST Patty's party at a friends house that we will be meeting at. :)

This is the out and back course......

This is the 10 mile loop course....

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ironman Arizona November 2010 slide show

I finally made time to add my pictures from Ironman Arizona 2010 in a slide show.

I tried to list them in order, but when I uploaded my pictures somehow they ended up out of order of my trip?

I also posted a copy of my slide show link to the side of my blog as a permanent link.
