Saturday, May 16, 2009

I've got a Secret!

I've been keeping a secret, and hoping for the best, but!!....

Now it's time to let my secret out.......

For a long while I have had problems with my right heel while walking or running. I think it has to do with my right calf that I tore a year and a half ago. Since I tore my calf and since it's been healed, I have had tightness in my calf. I think this tightness is what is causing my heel pain. The tightness is probably scar tissue in my calf muscle which is pulling on my tendon causing the pain in my heel. I have had a little heel pain for some time now, but usually I stretch out my calf and the pain goes away in my heel. I usually stretch out my calf before doing any activity, specially running and diving, but this week it's not working.

Well now I have major heal pain and I can't walk or run on it, and I have my Marathon in just 8 day's! It got worse after yesterdays long run (5k) it started hurting more then usual. After my run I stretched it out, then I went in my hot tub and put the jets on it to massage it out before going to work, by the end of my shift at work I was hobbling from the pain even wearing my orthotics.

When I got up this morning I couldn't put any weight on my foot/heel at all until I stretched it out, but it still hurts to walk. I have my foot in a boot now and hopefully in a few days the pain will go away with rest, stretching and ice.

As for my Marathon in 8 day's ????

At least I can still swim and bike still.

: )

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bagged and wind blown

Yesterday was some windy day, the wind was blowing so hard it blew my stainless steel BBQ over and into my garden, no damage was done to the BBQ or my Tomato's, Whew!

Needless to say I bagged my bike and run yesterday, way to windy.

I ran today but now I'm getting heel pain in my right foot, eek! That's not good, not 9 days before my first stand alone marathon. I've been doing everything to it today from stretching my calf and Achilles, and hydro therapy in the hot tub with the jets massaging my calf heel and foot. and now it's painful to walk on specially at work. So I guess the agenda for this weekend is to rest elevate and ice to give my leg muscles time to relax and maybe ease up on my heal pain.

In the mean time I might get started at building the basement bedroom. I sort of put it on hold for lack of responsibility from my son and his girlfriend not looking for work seriously. I told them I'm not giving ANY FREE RIDES! they have to earn there keep and pay rent and buy food. I haven't taken any rent from them yet because they're not making enough money, but they have enough to buy there own food, yet they are still eating my food!

My son is working but at a temp agency doing factory work and not even full time, so when he's not working he hasn't made any effort to look for a real full time job, or look for another part time job to fill in the gap. He just watches TV or goes out to his friends drinking, meanwhile the girlfriend sleeps in until 9:30-10am because she's up all night watching TV, (but this is better then before, I mention to her that she won't find any jobs watching TV all night and sleeping in to noon or 1pm.) then when she is up, she sits and watches TV or colors all day long expecting a job to pop up out of the blue onto her lap, not realizing she needs to go out the door to find work. She's not going to find full time work anytime soon, so she should be looking for any part job or 2 until a full time job come available.


Well I gave them an ultimatum that starting June 1 they will be paying rent 2 1/2 months is long enough to live free and find some sort of job and it's time to get off there ass's!!

So I figure if i start building they will come......First thing I have to do is move the main water line to run through the joists in the basement where I will be building the bedroom, right now they are over the joist and I can't drywall the ceiling other wise. But this job will be hard as the weekends are cloths washing days and the water is needed, so I'll have to work fast.

Today's training...

Run 30min

and lots of leg stretching.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Another sunny day

The sun was shining, the birds were birding, and the flowers were flowering.....

Ahhhhh Spring!

I didn't do 10k run today, even with the weather as nice as it was, my damn knees were just killing me, so I only ran 5k.

Today's training...

Swim 1000m

Run 5k

: )

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Good day to train

What a marvelous spring day! Sunny warm, high in the teens, perfect for training. Today I biked an hour followed by a 1.5km brick then went to the pool and swam a 1000m and dove for the rest of the time until I had to leave for work. I'm looking forward to tomorrow training as it's going to be warmer in the 20's and sunny, maybe I'll run a 10k after my swim? only 12 day until the Ottawa Marathon. ....hope I'm in shape?

Today's training...

Swim 1000m

Bike 1 hour

Run 1.5k

dive 1 hour

Monday, May 11, 2009

Time to catch up and vent

Since Friday I've been in one heck of a mood. I get a call from the parks and rec recreation director Friday afternoon with a message on my phone that she is going on vacation until after the long weekend, and went on to say she wants to meet up with me when she gets back about diving and the diving boards.

I don't know what is going on? but originally when we met up and discussed the do's and don't on the boards she gave me approval to use both boards and to be able to do what ever dives I like for practice! When I went to the pool Friday before work after hearing my message I was told by the head lifeguard I can't go off the 3m board, Ok fine I'll stick to the one meter board for now, meanwhile I'm stewing inside saying WTF!! I have another competition coming up on the 29Th and if I can't practice? I will suck worse than I am now!!

What really pisses me off is the fact that the rec director leaves me hanging without explanation of what is going on with a message on my machine telling me she wants to meet with me, leaving word with the head lifeguard I can't use the the 3m board then goes off on vacation!!

I have a feeling this has all got to do with politics and liability, but WTF!! what is the purpose of putting in a recreation center with equipment that you're not able to use during recreation times!! I am a tax payer to!! and if this is about some persons complaining that they can't lane swim while I and others are diving!?!? then to bad for them!! There are 2 other rec centers that are more suited for lane swimming!! The Holly pool was built for recreation with the hot pool and water slide and of course the diving boards for diving!! not just lane swimming!!

I may be jumping the gun here, but what she did is really rude and inconsiderate. I want to do good for the city by giving my knowledge of diving and services to build a diving club with the city, but if I'm going to get yanked around with politics, and with all that I have been doing to meet the city's so called requirements? Little do they know, it doesn't take a weekend certification course to make a coach!! It takes years of experience and know how! which I have!! By god!! I was taught by a Canadian National Olympic diving coach and certified as an instructor and coach by said same person!! The mechanics of diving hasn't changed since I last coached!!

Am I pissed??? you bet I am!!

OK back to training, I have a marathon to do in less then two weeks....I didn't do a thing over the weekend except stuff myself at the Mandarin with family for Mothers day. ...Burrp!

Today's training...

Swim 1000m
Run 30min