Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hmmm let me check...

Yep! more snow!!! Grrrrr! I hate snow!.......

I'm back from my workout and the run went well, only a little stiffness in the knees and the foot is about the same, (sore to start, numbs out and then the pain lessens )

This time I ran a solid 50min, starting a 5.5mi/hr, after 2 miles i went up to 6.5mi/hr for the next mile and then back down to 5.5 until I stopped at 50 min to walk out the last 10 min. My legs felt great, not tired, and my breathing was good. I checked my heart rate at the end of the 3rd mile after running at 6.5mi/hr and it was steady at 170bpm, then again at the 50 min mark while running at 5.5 mi/hr and it was 160bpm. Another good run in the bank!

I went down to the pool after my cool down stretching for my easy swim and put in 500m.

Now the Christmas music is blasting in the house. (Josh Groban's new X-mas CD Noel ) while my wife is doing some x-mass baking. Yep! my wife is baking?? the smoke alarm just went off, and the house is now full of smoke!! hmpf hee hee hee.

I'll be cooking up a few racks of Penguin ribs on the BBQ later for dinner........Falalalalaaaa la laa la laaaaaaa!! :)

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