Saturday, November 14, 2009

Another Great November Day!

To start out with, the Foster Grant Ironman 70.3 world championships were on . So after a few short hours of sleep after getting home from work last night and watching some of the programs on TV that I PVR'd until 3am, I got up just as the first of the pro swimmers were coming out of the water. Yes I missed the start of the race, but I stayed with it until the pros finished! It was a good broadcast today. I don't understand why they can't do all the broadcast like today's, following the pros on there bike and run with the commentary?? Any way it was good.

After I watched the pro men and woman come in off the swim, I went to my moms and installed her new toilet. took me a total of 15 min to do. After that I went back home to catch some splits of my friends doing the race. Damn! still no splits after the swim? I then went out for my bike ride. When I got back from my bike ride and showered I check out on all my friends. By this time they had all finished, so I got all there splits.

Willem who is in the men 65_69 age group and from the Netherlands did great as usual with a 44:04 swim 2:47 bike and 2:28 run for a total fo 6:11:58! coming in 19 in his AG! Great racing Iron Machine! as I call him as he has done over 30 Ironmans and countless half Ironmans!

Fanny from Montreal Quebec who is in the 30 - 34 AG had and awesome race with a 35:12 swim, 2:34:27 bike, and a 1:43:47 run to finish with 4:58:46 ! coming in 45Th in her AG. Great job Fanny!

Louise who is in the women 65-69 AG and is friend and a neighbour of mine living in the next town just north of Barrie, had a great race coming in first in her AG with a swim of 42: 02, 2:29:30 bike and a 2:17:05 run for a finish of 5:38. Awesome job Louise!

Dave Who is Louise's husband and is in the 70- 74 Ag came in 3rd in his AG with a swim of 42:46, 2:33:13 bike and a 2:26:38 run to finish in 5:52:13! I think he was drafting off of Louise!;) Great job Dave!

I watched the rest of the broadcast to the end, then fired up the BBQ and cooked some Penguin steaks for dinner. The rest of the evening I will chill, go for a hot tub and have a few beers. :)

Congrats to all the racers!!

Today menu....

Breakfast, the usual, bacon and eggs with toast and strawberry jam, Lunch nothing, Dinner, one penguin steak and probably a few beers tonight. 3000 total Cal's if you include the beers! :)


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