Friday, August 28, 2009

Finally summer hour are...

Finally summer hours are over! weeeeeee! Next week I'm back to the afternoon shift,.....sort of?

I get to start later in the day so I'm available for the Secretary and teachers if they want to stay late to do things in there class, so I'll start around 1pm and leave when the last person leaves. School really starts after labor day the next Tuesday but the teachers and office staff have to come in next week to prepare. Then after labor day I will start my regular shift at 3:30pm and then I can get back into my routine for training and shed the pounds I've gained over this summer.

Today I ran a 5k and I feel it, specially in the knees. one more reason to lose weight. But the good news it my feet are good! no heel pain, just regular soreness after my run when I stand up after sitting a while, but I have pills for that. ;)

Tomorrows plan is BIKE RIDE!! I'll be going with a group so I don't know the distance. They were throwing around the idea of 50-60km, but I'm thinking I want to go longer. We will see in the morning, That is if the rain hold up?


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