Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rain day

It's warm and humid today, but It's raining. I was planing on a bike and short run, but it's not going to happen. I don't train in the rain if I can help it. Instead I will work some core later in the day at work during my dinner break, maybe do some stairs.

Tomorrow the weather should be better and I attempt another slow 5k run.

It's funny? one mans garbage is another mans treasure. .....I've been clearing out my garage this past week and some of the stuff I had cluttered in there I put out to the street hoping someone will pick it up. I had no use for the stuff any more.

Some of stuff I put out was furniture. Like an old end table, an old dresser top with shelves, and my old treadmill that was given to me by a friend from work when I was training for Ironman Arizona 2006 for my second Ironman. ( That was back when my wife was out of work the first time, and I couldn't afford a rec pass to train or run indoors over the winter. So a friend at work I was talking to about my situation, said she had an old treadmill she doesn't use and I could have it! but I would have to pick it up. So I did! ) Well it served it's purpose and I bought a new better treadmill since.

Well it didn't take long for someone to pick up the stuff!! After the first night the furniture was gone, and today I noticed the treadmill was gone. I'm glad it went fast! as I don't want my neighbours complaining about me putting stuff out on the street and having it sit there for a long time looking like clutter. And I'm glad someone will get good use from my stuff, rather then it sit in my garage and collect dust.


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