Thursday, February 19, 2009

Victoria is winter camping

Victoria, my youngest daughter is in grade 12 and in her final year is taking a co-op, a 4 credit course on survival training orienteering etc. Tonight is the classes first overnight sleep out, but it is only a trial run for the real thing later in the semester out in the wilderness for a 3 niter later in the year. Basicly the teacher wants to see how they make out on this trial run in case there is problems with any of the kids, to see if they can handle ruffing it with the comfort of the school near by just in case. So tonight's over niter is at the high school football fields.

Earlier today at school the kids in the class had to set up shelters using what materials that where available, mostly snow! there are 4 or five groups of 4 or 5 kids and they basically made snow forts/walls, and used some tarps and what ever wood was available in there designated area of the fields and are suppose to sleep out all night. Also they will not have potty privileges, if they have to go, they will have to go in their out door latrine they built earlier in the day.

All the kids are prepared with proper winter gear, sleeping bags, cloths, etc, as set out by the course curriculum, which they all had to buy pryer to the start of the course, so they should be OK. In the morning they are expected to go to there class for the rest of the day.

Tonight of all nights is not a good night to have a outdoor sleep over!?!? The weather is horrible with freezing temps going down to -10C and high winds with a wind chill of -20C and snow squalls calling for 4-6inches of snow over night!!

I'm sure they will survive the night, I'm just glad it's them and not me! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

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