Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the thirteenth, Lucky or not!

So you think Friday the 13th is unlucky?

Let me tell you about luck. Luck is what you make it. Was it luck that my car broke down and I had to get it fixed yesterday? or was it luck that my car didn't actually break down, but in fact! I got it to the auto mechanic yesterday before it did break down? In my mechanics words with my break down. " your lucky"

So today is Friday the 13Th, I take my car out to go to the rec center for my swim and I hear grinding? WTF! I just had the car fixed yesterday! it's not suppose to brake down! What dumb luck!!

When I got to the rec center, the pool was empty, so I had the lane all to myself for my 2000m swim. What luck!!

After my swim I take my car back to my mechanic, he looks at it and tell me it's the wheel bearing. "WTF!" I said. What dumb luck!

He said I was lucky I wasn't to far out driving before hearing the grinding, as I could have had an accident if the wheel flew off.

So am I lucky to not be on the hwy as my car brakes down? or am I unlucky because I have second major repair problem to my car in 2 days?

He tells me I'm out of luck today because he is booked solid, but he said I could bring it in first thing tomorrow morning as he will be working this Saturday. "What Luck!" I said.

Is Friday the 13Th really unlucky?

All I know is? things happen. The type of luck you get depends on how you look at it!

Personally I am not superstitious and usually Friday the 13Th is no different then Friday the 1St, 6Th, 9Th or what ever? I do think luck is what you make it, and you make your own luck! I feel lucky today because I'm still hear to tell about my dumb luck. : - )

I hope your day is full of luck. I'll leave it up to you to decide what type of luck you have.

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