Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I Need A Jump Start

Well it's seven weeks out until Disney 70.3.

I'm out of shape, unmotivated, I'm back to work, and my foot still hurts.

Time to Man up! or HTFU ! and do some training.

To change things up I'm going to go to the holly center and do some diving before going to work. This will be the first time since I injured my calf last Jan that I will try some diving. I think my calf is strong enough now and I'll go easy to start, I can't risk re-injuring it.

Diving always cheers me up, I feel so alive when I dive. There is nothing like flipping and twisting through the air after bouncing off the board and ripping through the water on entry. Even being fat and out of shape I'm still pretty graceful in the air, well enough to at least to get some Oohs and Awe's from the lifeguards and people swimming at the pool who don't know the difference between a good or great dive.

Maybe it will give me the motivation to start training for my races, at least it will get me some anaerobic training, pumping up my heart to the max and get some blood moving through my veins. I need a jump start!! and maybe this will be it to get me training.!!

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