Saturday, February 23, 2008

Saturday Rest Day

Not! ........not this Saturday anyway. I'm feeling good, throat is better but I'm sneezing up a storm. I think I have allergies? and not a cold coming on. anyhoo!!...

I went to the gym and did some weights, walked the treadmill and thought about swimming? The problem was? when finished my workout, the pool wasn't open for lane swimming yet? it didn't open until 12:30pm, and I finished my workout at 11:30am. I didn't want to wait around to swim, so I called it a day.

My calf is feeling better, but still tight and a little sore, I did a lot of stretching before and after the mill, but I am getting sharp pains down in my inside ankle. My old injury with my left foot is still hurting as I walk, I don't think it will ever be normal, so I'm just going to bare with it. I see my surgeon in 2 weeks and I will see what he has to say about it and my calf tear?

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