Thursday, February 14, 2008


What's all the fuss about Valentine's Day? One day a year on Feb 14th you buy your lover or mate chocolates and flowers to show them you love them? I don't need to do that! I hate buying stuff like that just to show your lover or mate you apreciate them and love them, it's a waste of money. I do things all year long to show my wife I love her without spending money on usless things like "flowers" and "chocolates"!

I do all sorts of things for my wife all the time to show her how I appreciate her, so why on Valentines do I have to make a fuss?? Just last night I watched some TV with her, giving her a little bit of my time away from the computer? and I help her train and go biking with her all summer long after my rides to keep her company. She appreciates that! ...

"Time" ...Time is all she wants! not chocolates which make her fat! why give a burning flame more fuel to make it bigger if all you want is a nice little flame? so no "chocolates"! Or "flowers", all "flowers" do is die after a few day's and they smell up the house and make me suffed up! (alergies)

Ok..Ok...So I'm a romatic! so I did buy her "flowers" for today, what the heck! it gives her something to tell her co-workers at work how sweet I am. Ok, I also caved in and got her a little box of "chocolates", but a little one, so she doesn't pig out and get fat, and a funny card, plus we are going out for dinner to a nice restaurant tonight.

I'm only doing it so she doesn't feel left out of what society forces you to do!...." to buy something for your lover" for Valentine's Day!!

My Wife knows I love her, because every day with me is "Valentines Day" .... not to mention a Party! I'm still around aren't I??

I know it's not much, I did look at the roses for you but eek!'s the thought that counts right?


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