Friday, January 27, 2012

Getting back on track

The funeral was nice and Elizabeth Farkas Wilson has been laid to rest. It was also nice to see some old faces and talk of old times, to bad our reunions are only at funerals or wedding.

Now time to focus back on training....

So lets see? were did I leave off? ....

Oh Ya! riding my bike on the trainer,  which is sitting in the middle of my living room. Yee Ha!

Still no rec pass,so no swimming. It's only been a month! I won't lose much fitness?

Still to cold to run outside! for me! So no running......When will Winter end!?!?!  ..even though it's been a mild winter with not much snow. Hehehe

Woo Hoo! it's almost Feb and only six weeks until Spring!!! It won't be long before I get the bike out on the road again, and maybe do some running to!

I miss swimming. I hope Joanne get a job soon so she can renew our rec pass! So I can get back into the pool....How will I be able to swim across lake Ontario if I can't practice my swim? ...I guess I'll have to do it the same way that I did my Ironman, without allot of training and being stubborn like a mule! Ya! thats it!!


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