Friday, October 9, 2009

Close call on my drive home.

I almost hit a deer!!...

On my way home from work last night driving along hwy 27 northbound, which is a 2 lane county hwy, on route to pick up the major 400 hwy North which takes me home up to Barrie. I had my cruise control on, set for 90km as usual along this stretch of hwy 27. It's dark out as it was overcast and drizzling rain. There is no one else on the road except for a set of car lights about a 1km behind me driving the same route. It's pitch black out and with no on coming traffic made it seem darker. All I see ahead of me is my car light shining out onto the road ahead of me as I drive and nothing beyond but blackness.

As I was driving along, out of the pitch dark night walks a buck deer right in front of me, just at the distance where my head light crest with the darkness, shining on the road about 30 -40 feet in front of my car. I instinctively slam on my brakes to avoid hitting it. At the same time I'm skidding I pull the wheel a little to the right to avoid hitting him directly. And at the same time I'm skidding to a stop I'm saying to myself, ( Deer this is your lucky day! there is no way I'll be hitting you!! )

I come to a full stop quickly. I was amazed how my car gripped the road because of the slick road from the drizzle rain coming down. I thought I might have to veer into the ditch to avoid impact with the deer, but my new red cobalt handled and stopped very nicely, gripping the wet road skidding and coming to a quick stop right in front of him with him standing only 5 feet in front of my car when I stopped.

He then meanders on across the hwy looking at my car and me as I roll forward from my full stop to drive around him and his back side. I then started laughing to myself as I drove off because the damn deer as he was crossing the road looking at my car didn't seem fazed in the least! and just took his time walking across the road like he knew he wouldn't be hit.

All I can say is that Damn deer is lucky I was driving. :)

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