Wednesday, March 25, 2009

If it hurts don't.......

I'm back from the Doctor!

The prognosis? If it hurts, don't do it! .... serious! lol

First thing he said to me is hows training? Then he went on to tell me about him doing a tri last week in Florida. He has a summer house there and has been spending a lot of time there over the winter and has been RIDING!! and did his first tri in 5 years last weekend. cool! I said we need to ride over the summer up here.

Then he asked whats up? I went on to tell him about my injury diving. I gave all the details of my diving meet and stuff, he asked me if I was doing this (diving) instead of Tri's, I said hell no! I'll always do tri's.

Anyways, He said my knee is not tore, it's bursitis and it will go away in time. That's a relief! Then I told him about all my other pains etc.

He told me I can do all the swimming and upper body workouts I want, and gave me a script for Apo-Naproxen which I have to take 1 tablet twice a day to relieve my pains of my bursitis, calf strain as well as my joint pains, and not to overwork my calf for a week or so and I'll be as good as new. In other words! if it hurts don't do it! :-)

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