Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Next Mission

I didn't get a chance to go to the competition yesterday. Well I could have gone, but there were more important things to do like go to the wreckers and pick up a new tail light for the neon install it and go shopping with the wife, pick up some beer for todays Superbowl game, etc.... by the time all that was done, it was to late to to go.

My next mission once my knee heals up? is to continue my tri training, ramping up some needed miles in my biking, which I haven't done since Oct, and to put on more run miles.

I have another dive meet coming up at the end of this month that I can do in London Ont If I want, but I doubt I'll go. So the next meet I'll be shooting for is the John Dickinson Invitational meet in Toronto in March, plenty of time to practice.

But for now I'll take on some extra swimming starting tomorrow until my knee is good enough to start biking, running and diving again. : - )

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