Friday, February 8, 2008

Still recovering and swimming

The swelling to my calf and ankle is going down daily, with pretty shades of black and blue still very visable. Over all it is feeling better except for my whole lower leg being all tight from the swelling still.

I have been doing some stretching and light movement to my calf. It still hurts very much when the muscle contracts as I try to work it, so I'm not pushing it to much yet with putting my weight on it, I mostly just do contractions as I move my foot/ankle forward and upwards and around using a rubber band thingy for some/ very little resistance.

I swam 2000m with no kicking or just enough to keep balanced. I did try the odd light kicking while I swam to test out my leg, but nothing to hard, the kick was more like a limp noodle wafting under the water. lol

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