Friday, December 28, 2007

anaerobic or aerobic?

I went for my swim 20x100 at an anaerobic pace. I just can't get my head into doing anything long, and with all the inactivity I have done over the last 2 weeks I figured I better get the old ticker pumping hard.....which brings me to my old gym teacher??

I saw my old high school gym teacher who had the heart attack 3 weeks ago, and he is doing great! He is back at the pool swimming with a new heart!...well not a transplant or anything like that? He had 4 stints put in his heart to open and keep open his ventricles. He was telling me one was blocked 98% and another was 95%. He is lucky to be alive, and I'm glad for that! : ) .. The doctors gave him the OK to continue on his normal daily activities including swimming but build up slowly. He was also saying how he feels over all better then ever. ( i guess so now his heart is pumping more efficiently though unblocked arteries?)

His wife told me he was so grateful to everyone including me for our help, he is buying one of those portable defibrillators for the city to be placed at our lifeguard house at the beach. very cool. : )

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