Thursday, July 1, 2010

Welland Half Ironman Weekend with friends

Friday I left work early to head down to Welland near Niagara falls where I was setting up a tent for the weekend for my half Ironman race at Welland. My friend karen Van Weerden who lives near the race venue and the Welland canal kindly let me set up camp in her huge beautifully groomed backyard. It was a 2 hour drive from work and I arrived around 7:30pm plenty of time to set up my tent before nightfall.

My tent, sleeps 10 but found it comfortable with just one, me! .lol

Another couple Kristina, K for short, and Tanker Jacobson who where coming from Cambridge arrived a little later and had to set up their tent in the dark.

That evening we sat around the campfire that Peter,( Karen's husband built )

The next morning it was race morning for K, she was doing the sprint race, Karen and her friend Ingrid were doing the tri a tri race. When we got down to the venue we met up with some other friends including Adam who Is a OAT ( Ontario association of Triathletes ) in training Official, and who is also doing the half Iron Duathlon on Sunday while I'm doing the Half Ironman Tri.

K had a good race and seemed to be enjoying the day.

While K, was out racing the sprint Karen, Ingrid and Tracy where getting ready for their race in transition.
Then at the race start.
Karen at the finish

Ingrid finishing strong.

K after she finished, getting her energy stores up.

After the race the gang got together to tell there stories about their race.
After the race most of us went back to Karen and Peters house for a BBQ some refreshments and campfire. ....
Gord, Glenna, Adam, Me and half of John. lol

Karen and Peter Van Weerden, The host and hostess

John and Ingrid Veldhuizen

K, and Tanker

Some random shots...
Gord, Tracy, Ingrid, Peter John and karen gathered to watch K and Tracy's daughter Amanda some other friends race in the sprint.

I don't know who she is? but she looked like she means business!! lol

Me With Ingrid and Karen...As Karen put it, " Two roses between a thorn" I couldn't agree more! lol

Swimmers going out and some coming in. the sprint and tri a tri races were in trime trial format.

Racers lined up to get in for the start of the time trial start of the sprint

John Salt, ( race director for the Wellend weekend) Counting racers off evey 3 seconds for the time trial start

Thanks to all my new friends, Karen, Peter, Ingrid, John, Adam, Tracy, Gord, Glenna, Kent, K, Tanker and a few more people I'm forgetting? And a Special thanks to Karen and Peter for letting me camp on there back lawn and for hosting the TST members for the BBQ, and to Ingrid, who helped with some food at the BBQ. I had a great time!! I hope to do it again next year!



Tracey said...

Awesome post and pics!!! Nice to meet you:) Gordo did Lake Placid 2008 too...boy, you two could of shared your tales of rain and more rain!!!!

Josef said...

Thanks Tracy, It was nice meeting both of you. Congrats to Gord on his race. Yes we could share some good IMLP /08 stories.