Friday, May 29, 2009

Kerri Elfvin in the news.

Here is a cool article of my friend Kerri Elfvin who did the Sahara desert run. click on link below.

and another story here. click on link.

I'm feeling pretty Good now, no more muscle aches, I still have a little pain in my heel, I've been wearing the boot over night and it seem to be getting better. I'm ready to train again, except I can't because I need to be loose for my dive meet tomorrow and tri meet in Milton Sunday. I'll let you know how things work out and hopefully I'll have pictures.

Today's Training...

Swim 500m I didn't want to over train for my up coming meets. ; )

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Feeling better, but not recovered yet.

My quads are feeling better but my right heel is still hurting and my right calf is still tight and swollen. I swam today and felt sluggish, but that's got to be expected, but it felt good getting into the water. I should be good to go in Milton, unless i hurt something diving on Saturday? lol

Today's totals....

Swim ....1000m


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Feeling better after a massage

Last night after work I took a nice hot tub soak and put the turbo jets on my sore quads and down my right calf which is causing my heel pain with a deep massage, man did it hurt to dig the jets into my sore muscles! To my surprise and not realizing what I was doing during the marathon, my left quad was really stiff and sore yesterday from compensating for my right foot hurting while I was running, my left quad isn't bad at all, just a little stiffness.

Today, this morning I'm feeling allot better, the jets really helped loosen up my muscle pain in my left quad and my right calf. My heel still hurts but not as bad as yesterday.

I think I should be well enough to dive on Saturday and if I don't hurt anything at the dive meet I should be able to race in Milton. ; )


Monday, May 25, 2009

Ottaw Race Report

.....I SUCK AT RUNNING! ....

I knew I was going to have a hard time at the race with my foot hurting, not to make excuses but I have been hurting a long time now with heel pain in my good foot, the right one. so my run training was limited to little or none, and none in the last two weeks with aggressive stretching rest and icing to get my heel healed before my race.

Race morning I woke up and took my first step out of bed and couldn't walk because of my heel pain. I stretched it out then got ready for my race. We had to walk about a mile from our hotel to get to the race start. I was feeling good physically, well rested and raring to go, but had doubts of starting as every step I took walking down to the start had sharp pains in my heel.

Our group gathered around the start area for a group picture then we all settled into our corrals, I placed myself in the 5hr corral thinking I'll start a a nice slow pace for the first half and gradually pick up the pace in the second half with a real expectation of finishing around 4:30hrs.
The gun goes off and away we go, I don't know how long it took but it seemed like it took forever to just get to the start line from where we were seeded way back at the 5hr corral and soon as I hit the mat I set my watch.

1km..2km..3km..hit a aid station and pass on any aid to continue running. I'm feeling good at this pace, not breathing hard low heart rate and just feeling good, except for every step I took my heel had a shooting sharp pain.

I stuck to my plan of 10 and 1 where every rest break I would crouch down and stretch my foot.
8k..9k..10k...I was feeling good moving along well but my heel was getting worse hit my split at 1:07 I think? Not bad I'm thinking I'm not tired not breathing hard just moving along steady, except for the pain on every step. heel is starting to really hurt, so I take more stretching breaks, but at this time it's not helping. it hurt to walk, it hurt to run, and it hurt to stretch it. I'm saying to myself this really suck! I'm feeling I could have a great race if it wasn't for the pain in my heal! I say to myself I can't quit, I have to at least make it to the halfway mark. So I keep moving on, the run and walks start changing to walk and run.

21k...I made it, I say to myself I can quit now! but there is no where to quit to? so I keep going as I see we are heading closer to the city and finish area where I can give my timing chip in and head back to my hotel.

22...23...24... I kept going, walking in pain and limping along giving up on running totally. Finally hear the sound of people cheering at the finish line as some fast racers were coming in to finish. I see my chance now to cut off the course at the 25k mark and walk on back another 1/2k or so until I was able to get to the chute area to hand in my chip. As I'm walking through the chute area a voly hands me a medal and I wave him off an said No! I didn't finish the race, I'm just handing in my chip.

After I hand in my chip I grab some drink and fruit for my journey home to the hotel to take a shower and wait for my roommates to finish.

When i get back to my room one of my roommate's Les is already there all showered up and packed. He too quit after doing only half with his own leg issue. I take my shower and layed down watching some tv until my other roommate Brian gets in. Brian had an amazing race and qualified for Boston with his finish time. Congrats Brian!

We all then met up with all the other group at the Feather and fox for lunch and beers before heading to our bus for the journey home with lots of free flowing beverages. :D :cheers:
I had a fun time, I'm not discouraged over not finishing. I did a lot more and ran further then I really expected!?! so It's all good. One day I'll be able to run pain free, until then? I'll just keep moving forward to my next adventure....which is the provincial diving championships this Saturday which I'm entered in the 3m event, and Sunday I'll be doing the Milton tri for my first tri of the year.