Friday, January 1, 2010
HAPPY NEW YEAR.... It's time to train again ...
My resolution? My plan is to train hard, enjoy my upcoming tri season this year and to stay happy and healthy.
I have 3 full days left of vacation before my training starts for my upcoming race season. It's been a good holiday season for me. But now my two week vacation break from work and training is coming to an end. I feel guilty for not training and I think I've gained about 10 pounds, but I needed this break to regroup before starting up my planed training for my 2010 tri season and now the holiday's are almost over I'm eager to get back into my routine and start training.
My first race this year is the around the bay 30km road race on March 28, My diet start up on Monday and my goal is to get my weight down to 220lbs by then. Right now I'm weighing 245 so my goal isn't to far fetched in losing 25 lbs in 3 months, who knows if I stick to my plan I may even lose more the 25 lbs? lets hope.
Although my first race is around the bay 30k I'm only running it to pace Joanne for her first road race and as a training run for me to get myself ready for my first tri which will be Ironman Florida 70.3 in May. My goal at Florida 70.3 is to finish strong, meaning I want to be able to run the half marathon portion of the race in a half descent time with a time goal of around 2:15 - 2:30. and hopefully finish the race in a time goal of around 6 hour which will be doable if I have a good run. But for now, I have to get back to reality, stick to my training plan and diet and lose weight first.
Happy New Year.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Canadian Winter Olympic Torch relay
As most of you know Canada is hosting the 2010 winter Olympics in Vancouver BC, and part of the Olympics is the running of the Olympic torch (flame) to light the Olympic cauldron to start the Olympics whether it be summer or winter Olympics. And to celebrate Canada's Olympic's the Olympic torch is being run across Canada as a relay until it's final destination in Vancouver to light the Olympic cauldron to start the games.
Today the the torch is coming to Barrie where it will finish it's journey for today at Barrie city hall with a celebration of the Olympic torch coming to town with a ceremonial lighting of miniature cauldron symbolizing the lighting of the Olympic flame in Barrie as it's host for the night until the Olympic flame continues on it's journey tomorrow morning to North bay as it makes it's way to Vancouver.
Earlier today I went up to Elmvale, a town north of Barrie where the torch relay was running through on route to it's final destination for today in Barrie later tonight. The torch was scheduled to pass though Elmvale at 11:45am and I wanted a chance to see it up close as to when it reaches Barrie tonight at 7pm at city hall there will be thousands of people around and I didn't want to miss my chance to get up close and maybe a chance to touch the torch. Plus I'll be volunteering at Barrie city hall tonight for the celebrations and ceremony and I don't know if I will get a chance to get up close?
I'm so glad I went up to Elmvale! It was exciting to see, touch and run along with the Olympic torch and here is a video clip.