Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wasaga beach and back
The morning looked threatening, and at the start there was a little thunder on the horizon, but as I predicted it was only passing by, that and I watched the weather forecast which predicted the same ;) Leslie and I started out with most of the ride to Wasaga being clear sailing with the wind on our backs. The clouds were breaking up with sun was peeking through the clouds soon as we started. When we got to Wasaga beach we stopped for a break to take in some nourishment and adjust our crotch chamois (Leslie had a new tri suit and couldn't get the Velcro chamois to sit right. lol) Then it was back for the ride home. The ride home was looking good until we started heading south and the winds were on us. A heavy cross wind in our faces, but we dreaded on crusing at around 24kph in spots, then hitting a few ( 3 ) steep hills slowing us down and taxing our legs. We finally got back in around 3 hours of riding time, not bad for the first time out.
I predict a great ride for leslie in Disney, she is a strong biker.
Tonight is our Tri clubs social, more on that later. time for more hydration.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Happy Earth Day.
Today's training...
Swim 1000m
Run 30min
Hard core workout.
I'm tired!
: )
Monday, April 20, 2009
Going down?
Here is a little clip of our elevator ride down the CN Tower Saturday after my stair climb. . .
Today's training...
Swim 1000m
Sunday, April 19, 2009
CN Tower stair climb
Joanne, Victoria and I got up first thing in the morning to drive down to Toronto leaving home at 4:30am. When we got to the registration area there already was a long line up. It took about 45 min for me to register and get my time card and wrist band so I can start of my climb up the stairs.
Once registered we had to go through security with metal detectors and explosive detectors, then it was of to the next line to wait our turn to go up the stairs. At the start I punched my time card and off I went. I didn't go to fast but at the same time I didn't go slow. I kept a steady pace most of the way, huffing and puffing, talk about a cardio workout. At level 60 of 140 I think? I had to stop for a breather and stretch to catch my breath and get my heart rate down, at most I stopped about 15 seconds, then off I went again. My legs were holding up and as I felt the burn in my quads I eased up again to relax my legs, all the time still pushing upward. in all I stopped about 3 times to catch my breath and by the time I got to the top my throat was so dry I couldn't swallow.
I made it to the top, 1776 steps in 19:29 then another 4 flites of steps to come out here at the observation deck.
I was surprised with my time, because half way through the climb I really didn't think I would make it up, and thought I would have to walk the rest of the way to finish with a slow time, not that I was racing? I just wanted to give a good effort to make it to the top in a reasonable time, so I just dug down and kept going, and thinking at the same time my heart would explode at any second....The average times to climb I was told is between 25 and 45 min, so I think I did well.
Today I'm surprised because after all the burn in my quads in the stair climb yesterday I'm not at all sore and plan on doing a 10km run today.... I guess all this base training is working for me.
Some pictures of the day...
As we drove into the city. A shot of the tower from front street a mile out from the tower.