Have I seen any improvement from my first treatment?....I have to say yes, my Planter Fasciitis of my right foot was dramatically improved, but still some tightness and a little pain. My left foot has less pain then before but still moderate pain when standing on it for any length of time, but feels better then it did.
I had my second of 3 installments of shockewave therapy done on my 2 feet today, I came more prepared this time and took 3 extra strength Tylenol before going to my treatment. Did it help? I don't know? because it still hurt like hell!!! Again for the rest of today I will be taking it easy. My feet are both puffy and swollen again from the treatment.
I haven't been doing much training since last week, matter of fact my training is at a halt or near stand still, my motivation is at a all time low because I can't do what I want or need to do training wise while I'm getting my shock wave treatments. So now I'm waiting until I finish my 3rd shockwave treatment next week, then give myself another week of recovery before I can really get my training started, in the mean time unless I stop eating, I'm gaining pounds and will never meet my weight goal for LP.
I did finally get to talk with the rec director at holly wood pool about teaching the dive program. She was all impressed with me and my credentials. I told her I couldn't do any teaching until the fall/Winter because of my training for Lake Placid and summer tri races, she said that's great because she wouldn't be able to get the program listed in the rec book until the fall/Winter session anyway. So all looks good.
Hey! it was my moms birthday yesterday the 16th. She turned 71. My brothers family and my family took mom out to the Mandarin to celebrate her birthday Last Sunday, minus a few people and kids, Melissa being up at University in North Bay, Victoria had to work, and my brothers daughter is also in collage in Toronto and couldn't make it, and my sister and her family couldn't make it because they were to busy? ( something about a dart tournament ) Oi !!
Here are some pictures...
This is the entrance looking into the Mandarin restaurant
Here we are at the table, at left is My brothers wife Adele, my brother Mike, my mom, me, Joanne, Chris, and my brothers son Mathue
Hey John F - Thanks : )