Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Funeral Arrangments Made

Today Joanne and I went with my mother, Brother and Sister to arrange for the showing and burial. Tomorrow night from 7-9 we will hold a showing and Friday at 1pm will be a service mass with a reception after and then a precession out to the cemetery for the burial. Most of the arrangements were already arranged for including the burial plot and head stone at the cemetery and coffin so things went pretty smooth with the extra stuff we wanted and the times.

After that We all went to the Providence hospital where my Grandfather lived and died to gather all his belonging to take to my moms house. My Sister had a pickup truck to transport all his belonging, which wasn't much? just a few personal possessions, clothing and pictures, so it didn't take long and all went smooth again.

On the way home not far from the hospital I noticed a factory, a cookie factory! Matter of fact, a cookie factory that makes the best cookies ever! call Peak Freans, and it has a factory outlet that you can purchase what they call seconds, or batches of cookies that don't meet the companies high standards for shipment and selling in stores. I never noticed it before driving by, and when Joanne saw it! we had to stop in and see what they had! We ended up buying a ton of cookies that will last years! We just put the bulk of them in the freezer to keep them fresh and pull out what we want.

Here are all the Peak Freans cookies we bought for $30.00 today.... a real bargain when you consider one package of cookies normally sells for around $3.50 a box in the store!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rest in peace Grandpa

Grampa passed at 12:15pm today.

God bless and Rest in peace. We all love you.

My next race

I signed up for my next race. Here ...

I'm doing the Binbrook sprint this Sunday, it's a 750m swim 27km bike and a 6.5k run. The weather is looking good and suppose to be hot! just the way I like it. I've never done this race so I don't know what to expect. I'll just go out like I normally do and just have fun. :)

Gramdpa, is still hanging in there, My mom got a call from the hospital this morning at 4am to come in as they felt he was nearing death, but he is still hanging in there. When I called my bother who is also there in support at the hospital with my mom, said Grandpa was looking better and even ate. ( nurses hand fed him) It's not unusual for a person to all of a sudden look and feel better just before death? it's a cheap trick god plays on us all before dieing, giving us the false hope that things are getting better as it is only inevitable that he will be gone shortly. Grandpa is resting comfortably but is in and out of awareness. It's sad to see, and one of the reasons I am not there today. I said/paid my respects to grandpa on Sunday and want to remember him in better times, not look over him as he passes. God bless you Grandpa.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I didn't race

No pictures, no podium, no medal, no go! I got up at 4 am this morning to get ready to go to Milton to race the tri a tri, but when my alarm went off, all I heard was the sound of rain out of my bedroom window. It had been raining all night long steadily, and I was hoping it would stop by morning and clear up for the race, but when my alarm went off all I heard was the rain still coming down hard. At that time I got up and went to the washroom, then looked outside and I decided I didn't want to go so I went back to bed where Joanne said to me, aren't you going? and I said nope.

I think I really didn't go because I had to much on my mind. My mom called last night telling me Grampa isn't doing very well and his time is coming soon, so she wanted to know if we were going to see him? She wanted to make sure we see him before he dies. I told her I would be going after my race Sunday in the afternoon. But truth be known my mind was thinking of grandpa most of the night and I took it as a sign with all the rain that I shouldn't do the race in Milton, there will be other races.

The doctors at the hospital said all they can do for Grandpa now is make him comfortable. So this morning we all are on our way to visit Grandpa and hopefully make him a little happier being with him, comforting him, and showing him how much we love him, which I know he will appreciate.

My Grandpa Alex, in better day's...