Sunday, February 13, 2011

My pitch for $1000.00 to secure my Athletic/charity event this summer.

I mentioned how I have something in the works for a charity event for this summer if I get the financing? Well I found a unique foundation that is giving $1000.00 to anyone who has an adventure/ plan that is worth getting $1000.00 for and they can use the money to do it.
So I submitted my application with a video with my pitch ( my story of what I would use the money for)
If picked, they will contact me and some other applicants who made the short list and will be invited to a party to give a last ditch pitch of our event or what ever I or the other candidates want the money for in front of a panel of the foundation members. After which, whoever is selected will then be contacted a few days later and presented with the cheque! How awesome is that!
I really hope I get picked to have my chance at winning the $1000.00 because it just so happens that for me to register for my event, it costs exactly $1000.00 and if I get the money I will be well on my way to setting off and completing my Athletic/charity event and maybe a little piece of history!?!
