Last week my family went to visit my wife's side of the family so all five of use went with my car. my son is to big to sit in the back seat of my car with his long legs and the fact my two full grown daughters were also sitting in the back seat, there wasn't enough room for him, so Joanne sat in the back giving the front seat to my son as I would do the driving.
As we were approaching the hwy ramp there were OPP officers pulling people aside checking for seat belt. I quickly yelled out seat belt! everyone in the car was wearing theirs except Joanne who was tucked in tight between my two daughters on each side. As I stopped for the cop, the cop asked if everyone was wearing there seat belts and I said yes, and then he asked Joanne who was tightly tucked in the middle of my two daughters who had there belts on if she had hers on? As My wife is so honest she replied no? then said she didn't know there was a seat belt for the middle passenger as she never sits in the back seat and always wears her seat belt while driving. Well that didn't faze the cop as he asked her for her license and insurance, then proceeded to give Joanne a $200.00 seat belt ticket.
Well today I Spent my morning in the courthouse representing Joanne as she couldn't afford the ticket or the time off work without pay to go to the courthouse to put in her plea of guilty with an explanation and reduce her fine and or give her time to pay. When it was my turn to see the justice of the court,he proceeded to first to say I can't represent Joanne because of the plea of guilty and that she has to be here to tell her story, but after some deliberation after I presented my case that Joanne couldn't afford to pay the ticket let alone take a day off work without pay as it was a new job she just started after being off of work for a year and we are trying to get back on our feet with bills all piled up, he allowed me to represent her, giving me my opportunity to plea again Joanne's case. Again after some deliberation, the justice excused me while he went to check on things then called me back after 20 min to give me his decision.....
Well I didn't win with a reduced fine, but didn't lose either. I have to pay the full fine! but I got a 90 day extension to pay $200 and Joanne won't be going to jail.
Damn! I missed my calling as a lawyer!