Another Barrie triathlon in the books. Yesterday I did the Barrie Tri and did it with a personal best!

I had a good race with a PR finishing with a total time of 1:16:17... 92/255 overall22/41 in 45-54 AG.... 700m swim;11:50 1:42/100m ...20km bike:35:46 /33.6 avg ...5k Run; 28:43 5:45min/km
The morning started out overcast with threats of rain. by the time I got to the beach which is 5 mins from my house it started to rain. I set up my transition, i put my tri gear in a plastic cooler bag to keep my shoes and close from getting wet, it turned out pretty good keeping my stuff dry as the skies opened up with torrential rains. The heavy rain started during the kids of steel races and kept up all through the adults sprint race. my wave was the 6th, and with the sound of the horn away we went. I started out easy and on the outside keeping my eye on everyone on the right. as I made the first turn buoy I soon found my pacing and just turned over my strokes nice and easy. I ended up 8th fastest swim time in my AG of 41.

I ran up to T! and had a quick change. I actually had a dizzy spell as I was putting on my bike shoes, but caught myself before I fell over. ( a result of the cold water and fast swim pace)
The rain was still coming down hard. The bike course was a 4 loop course around the beach front and up around the lake heading uphill one way on a false flat and down hill back. The first loop I went hard but was also cautious around the turn around and corners. I managed to keep my pace up for the 4 loops, but not really going as hard as I could being afraid of slipping and wiping out.

When I finished my 4th loop I transitioned into T2 racking my bike and pulling off my bike shoes. I reached into my cooler bag to slip on my nice dry running shoes, the cooler bag kept every thing dry. I started out on my run and was determined to run the whole 5 k with out walking, but knew it would be hard as the running path around the lake goes up hill on a long steady grade of 2% to the top of the turnaround after the first km being flat, so I went easy, trying to get my legs and moving along at my slow pace.

When I finished my 4th loop I transitioned into T2 racking my bike and pulling off my bike shoes. I reached into my cooler bag to slip on my nice dry running shoes, the cooler bag kept every thing dry. I started out on my run and was determined to run the whole 5 k with out walking, but knew it would be hard as the running path around the lake goes up hill on a long steady grade of 2% to the top of the turnaround after the first km being flat, so I went easy, trying to get my legs and moving along at my slow pace.
To my surprise I was actually keeping up with some peeps who were ahead of me, and felt even better when I passed some peeps who had to stop and walk. But at the same time there were alot of peeps passing me.
As I came to the end of the flat section of the run, I kept on my pace pushing forward climbing upward and on. I made it to the turnaround without stopping or walking and I knew the easy part and the end was near. I started to pick up my pace as the run was easyer on the downhill, but not to over step and go to fast I kept pacing myself not to push to hard.
As I neared the flat section coming off the steady down hill I knew I had about 1 km left, I pushed my pace a little harder and I finally reach the finish line running in on a sprint making this a good run day for me finishing my race in 1:16:17 for a personal best on the Barrie Tri course.
