I entered Joanne in the Around the bay race last year without her knowing it. As I have reported before Joanne has no self confidence in her ability's and doesn't like to compete, but she like to train. She has been getting herself into shape over the last year swimming, riding and running on her own and doing well. She lost weight and got herself into great shape. But as I said she doesn't like to compete. Well I decided to change all that when I entered myself and her into the Around the Bay 30k road race. "The worlds oldest road race." ...Why a 30km road race for a first race as my neighbor asked who is a Boston qualifier? Because you know me I said! Go big or don't go! lol ..
Seriously, I needed a real challenge for her, not just a little 5 or 10 k road race? even a half marathon wasn't enough as far as I was concerned! I knew she could do those because of the training she has done and runs I have been on with her. I needed to boost her confidence with a real solid performance in a long race, so I chose Around The Bay 30k.
On Christmas morning I sprung the entree on her and she was not amused! but after some though and words of wisdom from me telling her I will help her train so she can finish the race before any cut off time, she gave into the idea, but she was really worried, but decided to give it a try with my help. Over the next 3 months she trained religiously with the running room running club over the winter months in the snow and cold and in the basement on the treadmill with me giving her tips along the way.
Joannes training was done properly, none of the "less is more" crap I preach jokingly, that only works for me. lol ......As she gained her run distance I started to worry. Crap I said! I have to keep up with her! So over the last few weeks of her training I went out with her on her runs to fine tune her running on our strategy, on how I will pace her through the race. I did one final long run with her the Sunday before ATB doing a 15km run, (my longest to date) working on our pace of 10 min run and one min walk and taking in nutrition and hydrating. We breezed though that, and with my help she was confident she would finish the race the next week.
Good my job was done!! ......Now for the race.
We arrived in Hamilton Saturday afternoon and picked up our race kits and met up with some friends while touring the expo. After the expo we checked into our hotel which was about 3 blocks from the race start and expo area. After we settled in, we went for a nice dinner at the host hotel with an all you can eat pasta dinner and had to take a nice long walk before returning to our hotel from being so stuffed.lol Once back to our room we got our gear ready and went to bed for the big day.
Race morning, we got our gear on and headed down to the race site. Joanne was getting nerves, I told her just relax and think of it as going out for your Sunday long run, nothing more. We get to the race start and see some of our friends from Barrie who came down by bus, chatted with excitement with them wishing everyone good luck and readied ourselves for the start.
My plan for Joanne was to run 10 and 1 the whole way averaging a 8 min / km pace which would bring us in under 4 hours. Joanne as a rule is not fast as a runner and being her first long distance race I wanted her to enjoy the experience and finish the race strong and with confidence so as she might want to race again.
The gun goes off and...and...well it took about five min before we started moving and another 5 min just to get over the start line there were so many racers, but we were on our way.
I started my watch as we crossed the start line to start our 10 min run. Joanne was feeling good and pacing nicely. We kept up our pace doing 10 and 1, 10 and 1, I made sure Joanne took in liquids( gator aid and water) at every aid station, and had her eat a little something every 30 min, she didn't want to, but I made her, not realizing how quick dehydration and bonking can come about never racing before.
Joanne had to take a pee break between the 5 -6km. there was a big line. I kept my watch running as we were on half way though our 10 min set, five Min's later Joanne was finally out of the port-o- potty....beep ...beep....beep... My watch went of and I told Joanne it's time to walk, so we walked out our min set before starting back running for 10.
Everything was going smoothly and to make up some time, I cheated on our 1 min walks not telling Joanne it time to start our run after 45 sec. lol Well we were very consistent with our 8 in / km pace through to the 20km split, doing the 10 and 1's the whole way. Finally at around the 21-22km mark I said to Joanne I can't keep pace any more and to go on without me so as she can finish in my projected time of 3:45 - 4 hours, but she didn't want to go, she said she is happy at this pace and wanted to stick with me. My quads were shredded from running so slow, and my foot was really hurting. Joanne was also tiring, so I suggested we change our strategy from 10 and 1's and Joanne agreed.
So as I limped on while walking Joanne was feeling it! (meaning she had energy to go on and I could see this,) so I kept telling her to go ahead, but she wouldn't. So now the plan was to run between 2 -3 light posts and walk a couple, finishing off the last 8km, until we hit the biggest hill you've ever seen in a run course, also the last hill and it was on the 27km mark! so we pushed ourselves walking up the hill to finally reach the top and the rest of the course was down hill to the finish. We finished together with me running behind her taking pictures and making sure she finished before me, which she did by 6 sec. Her time was 4:18:43 and she was proud as I was crossing the line. The first thing she asked me after we received our finisher medals was? When can we do another race? lol it made me smile. :)
Here are some shots of our time there.