Yes! I'm in pain! I could barely walk to my bathroom this morning. I'm back to square one with my left foot, and my right foot isn't any better, they are all swollen, and hard to walkon in or out of my orthotics.
I popped a few pain meds and headed out to the pool, I just wanted to get in the water an swim. Swim I did!..getting into the pool was difficult walking across the deck, but once I was in the pool I was fine.
I swam 2000m in sets of 250m warm up, then 500m race pace, another 250m easy, then 1000m straight tempo pace.( tempo pace being just under race pace and over easy pace)
The pool was busy today, but mostly hot swim chicks today so that's ok! LOL..
After my swim as I was fiddle farting around, a guy who I've seen in the pool before and noticed is really trying to train hard and improve his swim, said something to me from his lane, I said back what? he said again, I've been watching your swim and you are real smooth and fast, your swim stroke looks effortless. I said thanks. then he went on telling me how he has been researching swimming and all the different techniques, telling me how he was told to pull down the center of his body, yada yada yada....then he tell me he noticed how I don't do that? That my stroke is more off to the side, not down the middle, but it seemed so effortless for me. I told him not everyone can have the perfect stroke, everyone has a slight variance on where the pull comes down, but the main thing is to have a good pull though, all your forward power is between the belly button and mid thigh. everything else is just balancing your stroke with a good reach and catch keeping your elbow bent at 90 degrees through the stroke, if my arm is out to the side a bit that is ok, as long as the 90 degrees bend is in tact and that I get a good push though is all that matters, the arm doesn't have to come down the center of the body . think of it like a paddle boat, each rudder pushing the water through beneath you.
Then we start talking about Brad the Rec center director which he also knew. I told him how brad is one fast swimmer around and as we were talking Brad comes out to the pool deck to talk to us, like his ears were burning from us talking about him.
Now Brad is an awesome swimmer and one of the best swim instructors around, so we get talking and Brad is giving us his opinions on our strokes. he said my stroke isn't the best or the most effective, but it is effective and effortless for me, and there isn't much I should do to tweak it for more efficiency, it's just the way I learned and I can do. Then he went on telling the other guy some things he can do to become more efficient with his stroke.
It's nice to get complemented at the pool on my swimming. But sometimes I wonder if my swim is all that good? But on the other hand? I do get a lot of complements on my swimming? is it really good? We will see at Lake Placid?
Did I mention my foot hurts?? ......
Needless to say, after my swim I didn't have it in me to go to Holly wood pool to meet up with the Director, my Diving career can wait a few days, maybe I'll see her on Monday when I can walk better.
1 comment:
Joe - sorry to hear about your foot pain. What a bummer. Good thoughts your way from the So Cal Beach!! - Fisch
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