Sunday, January 6, 2008


finally!! hopefully ?? there will be no more interruptions in my training from here until Disney!!

Melissa is back at school with her freezer full of food.

It was a mild day today and the weather is calling for more warm temps in the double digits for the next 2 day with lots of rain, so all the snow is starting to melt...Yay!! ...But we will be back into the freeze after that. ....Booo!

Like i said no training for me today, I'm not in the mood. Tomorrow I will start the new week with a solid swim, and go form there to get the ball rolling. My wife went down for a bike this evening for a 30 min sprint on the bike, good for her. : )

A few of my friends had a good race today in So-Cal, Congrats to James, John, and Renee, you all did great!! John with a 1:40:52.....James with a 1:59:01 both doing the half Mary. and Renee doing the full Mary came in at a great time of 4:47:32...... Great job!!!

Well time to hit the hay, big day planned tomorrow. : )

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