Friday, May 25, 2012

Round the lake ride

This Saturday May 26th I'm getting ready to do my longest training ride of the year,....OK, OK,... ever! Besides my four Ironman's I have done, which the bike portion of the race is 180k I have never ridden this far in training. The most I have ridden in training for all my Ironman races was around 100k.

So where will I be riding? I'll be riding with a few friend around the perimeter of lake Simcoe starting in Barrie all the way around and back. --> Lake Simcoe route  and I think we have one support vehicle who will carry extra water and food.

Why? A friend of mine Nathan Brooks is getting ready for a 24hr bike race and needs to get in some long rides, so he set up this ride with him for support  and I and glad I can help him out. I don't know if I'll say the same after the ride!? lol

Wish me luck!


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