The family and I went on vacation to Killbear provincial park camping. Joanne Melissa and I went up Thursday morning to set up camp and Victoria would meet us up there later after work.
Just arriving at our campsite and getting out the gear...
Melissa and Joanne setting things up in our kitchen tent..
After we set up camp we went out to the water to get do some swimming and sunning and walking along the rocks.
Melissa cooling off at the beach...
Walking along the rocks along shore...
Joanne spotted a rat snake swimming along the rocks....
He didn't like me getting so close...
Me trying to get some pictures of the snake making it irritated at me following it. lol..
Melissa watching the snake from a safe distance...
A nice pose for Daddy....
Me and Melissa...
Sunset shots....
After our walk and watching the sun set, we went back to camp to have dinner and sit around the fire waiting on Victoria to show up.
Back at our site for dinner and fire...
Melissa roasting marshmellows...
Victoria finally shows up...with axe in hand! lol..
Next morning having coffee around the smoldering campfire before heading out to the lake to walk the rocks to the diving cliffs...Victoria was pouting because she wanted to go to the lake sooner then later. lol...
Me, the lean mean Iron Machine..Bawahahaha!
Melissa and Victoria on the rocks in the water ...
Group shot...
The diving cliffs, Victoria and Melissa jumping off the lower level, I dove from the higher level to the left and Joanne missed getting a shot.
Me coming in after my one dive checking out my cut hand. I did a front 1 1/2,and forgot the water level was low ( every year the water gets lower and lower) and my hands hit the bottom hard cutting them on some rocks on the bottom and bruising and spraining my right thumb. lol
On the up side went I came up from my dive I hear one of the kids yell out to his friends " did you see that guy dive!! ...which I have to admit I had a good top and entree, thus hitting bottom fast" lol
Victoria and Joanne cooking their dinner, veggie hot dogs!
Girls reading and me chilling around the campfire before heading out for another late afternoon swim and then sunset..
Walking the rock again waiting on the sunset...
It gets windy here and some trees grow sideways, always good for a photo...
Clowning around faces...
A much better shot...
Nice! lol..
Sunset shots never get old...
Friday night after the sunset we went back to camp, roasted some smores, hot dogs marshmallow and just plain chilled around the campfire. after going to bed, around 2 am I got up to go to the washroom and noticed my beer cooler lid was off, I have learned and everyone is told at the campsite to pack away all food over night or when leaving your site during the day as bears are known to roam around looking for food. anyway, I also noticed our kitchen tent was knocked down a bit and I didn't think anything of it, as I figured it was just some raccoons and went off to the washroom and back to bed. In the morning our neighbour on the next site asked us if we saw or heard the bear in our kitchen tent? What!! Joanne said she heard something and like me when I got up, we just thought it was a raccoon? The guy said no it was a bear! He said it first started going around his site( he is in a motor home) and he watched it go over to our site and then back to his site before taking off! I told the guy I always pack our food in the car but left my beer cooler out and all my beer was still there, so I guess the bear don't drink beer? lol Anyway we thought it was cool.
So that was it for are camping trip this year. We had lots of fun and plan on doing it again next year. ....
Walking along the rocks along shore...
Joanne spotted a rat snake swimming along the rocks....
He didn't like me getting so close...
Me trying to get some pictures of the snake making it irritated at me following it. lol..
Melissa watching the snake from a safe distance...
A nice pose for Daddy....
Me and Melissa...
Sunset shots....
After our walk and watching the sun set, we went back to camp to have dinner and sit around the fire waiting on Victoria to show up.
Back at our site for dinner and fire...
Melissa roasting marshmellows...
Victoria finally shows up...with axe in hand! lol..
Next morning having coffee around the smoldering campfire before heading out to the lake to walk the rocks to the diving cliffs...Victoria was pouting because she wanted to go to the lake sooner then later. lol...
Me, the lean mean Iron Machine..Bawahahaha!
Melissa and Victoria on the rocks in the water ...
Group shot...
The diving cliffs, Victoria and Melissa jumping off the lower level, I dove from the higher level to the left and Joanne missed getting a shot.
Me coming in after my one dive checking out my cut hand. I did a front 1 1/2,and forgot the water level was low ( every year the water gets lower and lower) and my hands hit the bottom hard cutting them on some rocks on the bottom and bruising and spraining my right thumb. lol
Victoria and Joanne cooking their dinner, veggie hot dogs!
Girls reading and me chilling around the campfire before heading out for another late afternoon swim and then sunset..
Walking the rock again waiting on the sunset...
It gets windy here and some trees grow sideways, always good for a photo...
Clowning around faces...
A much better shot...
Nice! lol..
Sunset shots never get old...
Friday night after the sunset we went back to camp, roasted some smores, hot dogs marshmallow and just plain chilled around the campfire. after going to bed, around 2 am I got up to go to the washroom and noticed my beer cooler lid was off, I have learned and everyone is told at the campsite to pack away all food over night or when leaving your site during the day as bears are known to roam around looking for food. anyway, I also noticed our kitchen tent was knocked down a bit and I didn't think anything of it, as I figured it was just some raccoons and went off to the washroom and back to bed. In the morning our neighbour on the next site asked us if we saw or heard the bear in our kitchen tent? What!! Joanne said she heard something and like me when I got up, we just thought it was a raccoon? The guy said no it was a bear! He said it first started going around his site( he is in a motor home) and he watched it go over to our site and then back to his site before taking off! I told the guy I always pack our food in the car but left my beer cooler out and all my beer was still there, so I guess the bear don't drink beer? lol Anyway we thought it was cool.
Then my son arrived with his girlfriend for the last night of camping and Joanne and I started packing to go home because I had the Barrie tri to race the next day. so My son Chris and girlfriend Megan, Victoria and Melissa stayed one more night on there own. where they told us after when they got home Sunday after noon that they had another visitor that night while they were around the campfire, it was a raccoon this time that stole a piece of tinfoil from their garbage and took off, I think it was after tinfoil they used for the smores they roasted on the fire and I guess the raccoon had a sweet tooth! lol
Chris and Megan arrived while Joanne and I were packing to go home for my race the next day at the Barrie Tri..
So that was it for are camping trip this year. We had lots of fun and plan on doing it again next year. ....
Next up?... My Barrie tri report, then Barrie half Ironman challenge report and Barrie half marathon report! ...Told you I was busy! lol
: )
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