Saturday, April 16, 2011

Having doubts,Is my 50 mile event a mistake?

So far my longest run has been 23km two weeks ago, since then my longest run as been 5k with shorter daily tempo run to try to make up for my lost long runs. Now I'm getting worried about doing the 50 miler May 14th, it is only 4 weeks away and I'm having doubts I will be able to do the distance.

So what is the problem? why am I not getting in my distance long run? Am I truly training "less is more" to see if I can run a 50 miler? It looks that way! lol...

The truth is, the weather is not co-operating with my training plans! It's been cold and rainy the last two Sundays for my long runs so I didn't run, and tomorrow planned 30km isn't going to be any different with high winds cold and even snow showers!! so I doubt I'll be out for that?

So why should a little cold and snow stop me? To tell you the truth, because it hurts! Ya ya, I know! "What doesn't hurt, will only make you stronger!" but the fact that my joints ache, specially my knee joints while running with this cold damp weather, I find it hard to push on longer then the 5km during my week day runs trying to make up my distance for missing my long Sunday runs, but I think doing daily short runs is better then not running anything, hence my "less is more" theory.

To make matters worse with this cold weather is I haven't been able to get out on my bike for any rides! Biking over the last 3 years is a big part of my run training since I hurt my foot with my torn ligament (Planter Fascia). I ride myself into run shape. Riding doesn't hurt my foot like running as well as it's less painful on my knee joint.

So why don't I use the bike trainer to ride myself into run shape? The simple answer is because it's boring and I don't like it! lol I'm really not that competitive to really push myself to the extreme of riding my trainer for this 50 mile run like I might do if I was training for an Ironman! Only because in Ironman you have to ride 112 miles and unless you get saddle time in? you will hurt and possible not finish your ride in Ironman, even with my "less is more" bike training of 2-3 hours a week in the saddle! lol .....In any case I would rather ride outdoors then train on the trainer, and with a month to go before my 50 mile event I'm sure the weather will break enough for me to get out a few good rides before May 14th to get my legs strong enough to run a little better.

I went to see my doctor about my joint pain, so now I'm back on prescription anti-inflammatories to help with my pain. Over the course of the last two weeks the pills help a little but not enough. I ache while I walk, I ache when I sit, and I ache specially when I try to get up from sitting!

Is this going to be a mistake trying to run a 50 mile Ultra distance event? I tell you what! I don't think it is a mistake for me? maybe mere mortals it would be a mistake! but not me! lol....I'm to stubborn and maybe a little crazy for trying a 50 miler, but really!?! it's only 50 miles! and when I set my mind on something I usually get er' done, pain or no pain!

All I know is May 14th I will run as much as I can using my run plan of 10 and 1's or 5 and 3 or what ever Catherine and the others participating want to do, and along with the help of supporters cheering us on, I will hopefully manage the joint pain and when I can't run, I will keep moving forward without giving up.

I have the stamina to do the distance, I have the strength to do the distance! I have the will to do the distance!..... I just don't have the body! the way my joints feel in this cold damp weather!

So do I have my doubts to finish this 50 mile event I got myself into? Yep! ....but in my mind I know I can do it! even with "less is more" training! I just hope the weather co-operates and gives us a nice warm day! that will make a whole lot of difference for me and my joint pain!


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