Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Barrie to Wasaga beach 50 mile Ultra

.....Is a go! No this is not the Charity Event I've been talking about that I need $1000.00 for? This is just another one of my adventures of challenging myself to see how I can do in running a 50 mile race without all the hoopla of entering an ultra race, paying a fee to get a t-shirt and a finishers medal?

I've been talking about doing this for myself for over a year, to run my bike route to Wasaga beach and back which is exactly 50 miles from my house and back.

This is not the official map of the run route, as it follows some major hwys which is of one of my bike routes, The official run route will be slightly different along back roads avoiding the major hwys that I will map out at a later date. ...

So I started taking with Catherine Harding who has a goal for doing a 100 mile run this summer in Vermont.

I got to thinking maybe this will work for the both of us? I want to do a 50 miler without entering a race, just for my own self satisfaction of knowing I can do the distance and Catherine who is training for the 1oo miler needs someone to to do some long training with. So i suggested to her if she wanted I want to do a 50 and we could do it together as part of her training for her hundred. As a result, her training plan has her doing a 50 miler in the middle of May which is perfect timing for me as I get myself ready for another tri season, but want to do this ultra distance. Mind you, this 50 mile run is a training run for Catherine which I will be pacing with, so our goal is to only do the distance, We are not concerned with time, and I'm not a fast runner so hopefully I will be able to keep up with her? lol

I'm hoping to get a few more people on board to run with us either all the way or in sections as well as some volunteers for support passing some food or drink to us along our route as our route will be a out and back, not a standard 50 miler race which is usually a shorter 10 or so km loop where you can pass by a transition point to get nutrition and fluids.

As it stands Adam Bunz Said he will be joining us as a third runner. yay for Adam!

I'll keep you posted on the official date of our Barrie to
wasaga beach 50 mile Ultra run and my training progress as I start my training for my first 50 mile single day run.

Ps. and again this is not, I repeat NOT! my big plan for my charity event that I need $1000.00 for? My charity event will be much bigger! so if you want to donate or sponsor me for it I'll let you know what it is so I can do it later this summer.


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