Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Busy Hiway

It figures! the first day of school and everyone drives like idiots!

I leave for work my usual time just after 2pm. A drive that is usually light and free flowing of traffic. Well not today, every one and there mother seems to be on the 400hwy going southbound. I guess a lot of people took and extra day for the long weekend so as to not get caught up in all the Sunday traffic? I think a lot of people thought the same thing, so instead of all the heavy traffic on Sunday night, Sunday's traffic is now Monday's traffic.

Anyway I see up ahead all the cars are coming to a stop and is backing up. Probably an accident? I was lucky and was right by the ramp to get off the hwy and took an alternate route to work. As I'm driving along my alternate route which is a 2 lane hwy I see a slowdown, Oh know, what now?

Well it turns out a car ran off the road and ended up in the ditch on it side. I don't think anyone was seriously hurt by the looks of some people helping out the person. It must have just happened a min in from of me coming by, because I got though the mess quickly and made it into work on time. I hope tomorrows drive into work is a little smoother.

No Training today.


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