Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Swim is stalled

It's time to renew my Rec pass for the next 3 months but I haven't the cash to renew, So no more swimming until I can scrape up the money. The problem is, being on LTD, I only get paid once a month, and my pay being 70% of my normal pay, it barely covers my mortgage that my paycheck pays for normally by-weekly, I can't even use my visa because it's maxed out. So as it stands now there will be no or very little swimming for the next while.

For now I can still do my biking and running on my treadmill in my basement, but I feel the key to doing well at any triathlon? is having a good strong swim. So i have to get in the pool if I'm going to be in any decent shape to do well at Disney 70.3 in May and IMLP in July...

But there is still a lot of time to get into the pool before then. In the mean time, I could just swim once a week at a pay per visit, which is $5 ?

Actually I think it's a good plan to do more running now and start jacking up the trainer rides, because my running is what I really need work on, even though my plan was to increase the run and bike workouts as I maintained my swim at 3 to 4 times a week for this month? I think I'll be better off just to work harder on my runs, doing longer base, maybe even run every day? and if I can? I will just do the one swim per week? if I can only find the $5 to get in the pool???

Let the dieting begin!

I started my diet today, so far today I had my soup for lunch, for dinner? ( I have one of those MEGO sized containers of protein powder that I bought last month and I'll make a shake with frozen fruit from my freezer, but no salad, since I have nothing to make salad with? (I need to do some shopping, but I don't get paid until the 10th.Doh!)..... that's ok though, who knows? maybe not eating because you have no food diet will work to? ...I can feel the pounds come off now! to worry I have a freezer full of soups. : )

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