I went to the gym did some weights, lat pulls, sit-ups, bench press, curls, leg press, dips, squats, as my usual warm up before getting on the treadmill. I set the treadmill for my usual intervals of walk speed of 3.5m/hr and run speed at 5.5m/hr. I start walking and my foot is hurting as usual but usually the pain subsides after a short while, but today it's not subsiding and feeling tight as well as hurting on impact, So what? I say, I have to run, no pain no gain! I hit the interval button to start running at 5.5m/hr and toggle it up to 6m/hr, Ooooo aaaaaaa ouch Eeeeeeow, my knees are tighter then a rusty door hing!! but I keep going. huff...huff..huff....no! not really? I'm not running fast enough to be huffing like that, heart rate is only at 130bpm. I keep the pace going at 6m/hr until I reach the mile mark and hit the button to walk. I can't do this? I'm saying to myself. I walk it out for 5 min after toggling it up to 4m/hr to keep my heart rate up a bit. When the five min were up, actually 4.5 min, I hit the button to run again, I feel a bit looser so I run it out until I get to 2miles and walk it out again for a couple of min, I kept doing this for an hour.
It was a pretty good workout , but I need a new body!!...Want to trade?? ...
Another Breakfast of Champions!!....
When I got home I got out the Maple Bacon and Egg, Cheddar Cheese and Tuna and had the best omelet. Mmmmmmmm Yum!
My bike is calling!! .....
I hear her in the basement, but I'm not listening........I just can't seem to get my arce on the leather lately....I don't know whether it's because the basement is enclosed and dark, even with the little windows and lights on, it's still dark. Maybe it's because I don't like to get all sweaty riding the trainer, I hate getting all sweaty! or maybe it's a mental block that is saying to me? I don't need to ride because riding is second nature to me and I have lots of base built up over the past summer, and I have lots of time to get ready riding with IMLP 8 months away, what ever it is? I'm just not motivated to do my rides on the trainer yet. I'd rather be riding outside, but being the climate it is up here this time of year, and all the snow, I can't ride outside. So I have to will myself to get riding the trainer.
Will.....Will.....Willlllll!!!..........It's not working!.........I'm going to watch some TV.
My training room in the basement....
A different angle......
Have a good day.
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